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Odd Socks Day 2020

written by
Jodie Moss**

At Sandra Reynolds Juniors we love to celebrate the things that make children unique - the wonderful people over at the Anti-Bullying Alliance share the very same message. 

Next week (16th November) is the beginning of Anti-Bullying week - kicking off the week is Odd Socks Day! Last year 75% of schools in the UK took part, meaning it reached over 7 million young people.




We love the idea of Odd Socks Day and wanted to share it with you. 

The plan is to take away the pressure of non-school uniform, you don’t need to buy anything new, no costumes or fancy clothes - all you need is some odd socks! To take part all you have to do is wear odd socks to work or school, all participants are asked to make a £1 donation (or any donation you deem appropriate) to The Anti-Bullying Alliance. This small donation supports their ability to continue Anti-Bullying week every year. 

You can donate directly to them via their Virgin Money Giving page.

You do not have to raise money to take part - the most important thing about Odd Socks Day is getting involved, encouraging young people to express themselves and celebrating their individuality. 



Bringing Odd Socks Day to life is Andy and the Odd Socks - featuring Sandra Reynolds’ very own Marcus Ramtohul! 


Andy and the Odd Socks have written a song called “The Kids Are United” to support the Anti-Bullying Alliance, with all profits going to the charity. 

"My time in Andy and the Odd Socks has given me so many great and varied opportunities from TV, to stage and beyond, but my work with the Anti-Bullying Alliance for Anti-Bullying week and Odd Socks Day is what I'm most proud of. Such a simple and fun way to raise awareness and I'm so glad to be a part of a such an amazing national campaign to celebrate everyone's differences." - Marcus 

“We've recorded a brilliant new charity song and video especially for anti-bullying week called the kids are united. We even spoke to school children all over the country to help write the rap!“ - Andy and the Odd Socks


Listen to it below:


And if you want to take part with your kids at home, you can watch the ABA’s amazing assembly featuring Andy and the Odd Socks and other special guests such as Mo Farah and Anne-Marie!


If you share on social media make sure to use the hashtags #AntiBullyingWeek and #OddSocks day. Tag us in your odd sock pictures and we’ll share them on our story - lets get as many people involved as possible for this fantastic cause!

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written by Jodie Moss**

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