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Celebrating Diversity

written by
Erin Flock

Sandra Reynolds - This Is Us

... and we are proud. 

Representing an accurate and modern picture of today's society, Sandra Reynolds Agency is committed to championing diversity by bringing our models to the forefront of brand visions.


SR presents This Is Us - Celebrating Diversity



According to government data, there are 13.9 million disabled people in the UK (1 in 5), that's why the advertising and marketing industry should champion diversity and represent more disabled people in commercials and campaigns.

Sandra Reynolds Disability Division

Lolly Streek represented in the division tells us: "The representation of disabled models and actors is getting better but there is still huge room for improvement. Disabled people are often represented as victims or villains, more positive and realistic portrayals in media will help create more awareness and opportunities for all people with disabilities. I am so proud to be able to work with clients who are confident enough to be inclusive, are challenging the stereotypes and leading their fields in making these long-overdue changes".

Browse Disabled Models and Actors here

Read full blog post here



The modelling industry is forever changing and in recent years has seen a huge boom in the representation of curve models. Body positivity activists, fashion designers and talent have been pushing for inclusivity and the industry has listened! We absolutely love seeing all shapes and sizes represented in adverts, on-screen and on the catwalk. 

Sandra Reynolds Curve Division

Curve model Kaeleen Stammers shares: "I always watched America's Next Top Model and thought to myself 'I can do that', so I pushed myself and was motivated by how far I could go. Shortly after I began, I started to understand tokenism, lack of representation and all the other obstacles that come with being myself in the industry. From then, I vowed to become a pillar of change for other models".

Browse Curve Models here



1 in 6 Gen-Z adults identify as LGBTQ+ and therefore it is increasingly significant that the LGBTQ+ community are equally represented within our industry. By casting identifiable LGBTQ+ models and actors, brands can provide inclusivity and allow audiences to further accept LGBTQ+.

Sandra Reynolds LGBTQ+ Division

LGBTQ+ Model & Actor Marco shares his opinions on representation in the industry: "The industry could do so much better, from the casting stages to production, crew and on-screen visibility. Break the cycle and bring change. Give us LGBTQ+ Disney characters, superheroes and main characters. Stop having us being the sidekicks and please go beyond the telling coming out stories. We are strong, resilient and keen. Why can’t I save the world and go home to my husband afterwards? Let’s give kids the representation we didn’t have growing up. And stop second-guessing whether or not people will go see a film if it doesn’t have a cis straight white lead".

Browse LGBTQ+ Models and Actors here

Read full blog post here

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written by Erin Flock

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